The concept of transport service for the Confederations Cup of FIFA in 2017 and the FIFA World Cup in 2018 in the Krasnodar Krai

The concept of transport service for the Confederations Cup of FIFA in 2017 and the FIFA World Cup in 2018 in the Krasnodar Krai
The purpose of the research work is the scientific substantiation of the composition and content of measures for the development of the transport system in Sochi and the mechanisms for their implementation with a view to providing services to all client groups of the Confederations Cup of the FIFA 2017 and the FIFA 2018 FIFA World Cup in accordance with the requirements of the International Football Federation associations.
Развитие сети магистральных маршрутов регулярных перевозок автомобильным и наземным городским электрическим транспортом Санкт-Петербурга до 2028 г.