LabGrad' video lectures

A course of video lectures on the basics of the transport planner profession.

LabGrad' video lectures

A course of video lectures on the basics of the transport planner profession.
The presented lectures are a transposition of the main theses of the booklet "Recommendations for Solving Transport Planning Problems" in video format. The lectures cover basic concepts, so they are aimed more at students and novice planners than at experienced professionals. Besides, we tried to refer mainly to the Russian sources, including the Soviet books, important for the development of the Russian transport science.

Although the video lectures were recorded before we all found ourselves in the post-covid reality, we do not believe that they have lost their relevance, as we cover the basics of the profession, mastering which we hope will provide a solid foundation for growing professionals capable of responding to urban planning challenges even in what turns out to be a volatile world.
Structure of the lecture series
Course #1
Major trends in transportation planning
1.1 Transport planning as a professional activity: yesterday, today, tomorrow
1.2 Trends in the development of transport systems in Russian cities
Course #2
Territorial transport system
2.1 Territorial transport system of the city
2.2 Assessment of the condition of the territorial transport system
2.3 Planning the development of territorial transport systems
2.4 Gathering information about the condition of the territorial transport system
2.5 Modelling of condition of territorial transport system
2.6 Features of designing transport systems of cities and urban agglomerations
Course #3
Elements of the territorial transportation system
3.1 Role of the elements of the territorial transport system in the formation of the city's transport strategy
3.2 Street and road network
3.3 Urban public passenger transport
3.4 Transport hubs
3.5 Individual transportation storage system
3.6 Non-motorized transportation
Course #1
Major trends in transportation planning
Course #2
Territorial transport system
Course #3
Elements of the territorial transportation system