Fragments of the Program for the Complex Development of Transport Infrastructure and the Complex Traffic Management Scheme within the boundaries of the municipality of the City of Vyborg

Fragments of the Program for the Complex Development of Transport Infrastructure and the Complex Traffic Management Scheme within the boundaries of the municipality of the City of Vyborg
Within the framework of research and development, the analysis of existing and developing planning documents was carried out in a short time, on the basis of which a list of measures by modes of transport, terms of implementation and types was compiled, which were further taken into account in the development of the PCDTI and CTMS. The list of measures in the form of the table is attached to the document that allows to update and specify it in the future.

The analysis of the current situation for each type of transport on the basis of raw data, data from open sources and field surveys was carried out.

The transport system is considered by the following slices: non-motorized transport, railway, water, automobile (cargo and passenger), air transport. The street and road network, artificial constructions within the municipal boundaries and intracity transport are considered in detail. Traffic flows have been examined on the urban road network and the busiest sections of the network have been identified. The city public passenger transport is analyzed in detail: traffic lines, routes, stops and terminals, their territorial accessibility, intensity at the sites and stops, the survey of passenger flows and passenger turnover of the stops is conducted. The distribution of passengers between private and public transport was revealed, amounting to 77% and 23% respectively.

Based on the results of the survey, a mathematical macromodel was calibrated and the flows on the entire network were calculated.

Based on the initial data provided, the situation with the existing parking space was analyzed, and the need for parking lots was calculated.

Attention is paid to the objects of attraction of freight and municipal transport, as well as cargo flows and paths of heavy vehicles.

As Vyborg is just created for non-motorized traffic, special attention is paid to this type of transport in the project. The project identifies the existing pedestrian infrastructure, some of which is only potential at the moment, such as Green Alley or Mount Papula.

A heat map of traffic accidents has been prepared to assess the level of road safety, where the most problematic places on the street and road network are brightly colored. Also noticeable is the increase in the number of victims from 2017 to 2019. For 2020, the data is presented only for the first 8 months. By types of accidents Vyborg did not surprise, but rather repeated the sad statistics - in the first place "collision" and "hitting a pedestrian".

Analysis of pollution levels available from public sources showed that, in general, pollution does not exceed the maximum allowable concentrations, but due to the presence of only two environmental monitoring stations such data is not very representative.

Separately, an assessment of the financing of the transport system was carried out.
Forecast of development in PCDTI is made for 2021-2025 with breakdown by years, and also for 2030 and 2035. on the same sections, as the analysis of the existing situation was made: railway transport, water transport, external automobile transport and air transport. In general, since the above-mentioned types of transport are mainly of federal and regional importance, in terms of their development measures from the higher planning documents are adopted, but individual recommendations are also given, designed to increase transport services to the population and to raise the status of Vyborg in national and international transport communications. In selecting the main links of the road network, we relied on the activities from the master plan under development and approved documents of territorial and transport planning.

Based on the conducted analyses, surveys and studies, the project proposed the development of urban public passenger transport, also on the timing of the project.

First of all, it is planned to improve transport service of the existing buildings and development areas by extending the lines of buses, changes in the route network, construction of additional hubs and new equipped terminals.

In the future, all the existing and planned to be built-up area shall be served by public transport lines. For 2025 and 2035 it is planned to create a network of dedicated bus lanes on the main routes most demanded by the passengers of public transport.

With regard to the development of infrastructure for individual transport, the development of parking policy throughout the city, including the organization of a paid parking system in the center. In terms of development of freight transport it is proposed to change the main paths of heavy vehicles, with the elimination of the paths through the central part. As for the development of pedestrian traffic, it is planned to form new pedestrian streets and zones of mixed use, as well as to strengthen the pedestrian function on the streets, forming a framework of quality pedestrian connections. The project proposes the development of bicycle routes, not only for recreational purposes, but also for everyday purposes, such as commuting to work, to the bank or to take the child to school or kindergarten. For the future, there are projected indicators of road safety, such as social and traffic risks. The project recommends reducing the permitted speed on the street and road network.

Using a mathematical model predicted the negative impact on the environment from motor transport. For the year 2035, indicators of CO and NOx pollution are reduced. In order to reduce the negative impact of the project is recommended: to develop a green strategy aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment, as well as the use of ecosystem services provided by nature. In addition, it is necessary to establish posts to monitor the environmental situation.

In addition, the railway station area, which is the main transport hub of the city, currently used almost entirely by private cars, was analyzed. Based on the analysis of the area and the completed surveys, a reorganization of traffic on the square, changing the cross sections and increasing the value of the pedestrian on it were proposed. The proposed concept reduces the number of parking spaces by 70 cars by streamlining the parking space and banning parking on driveways and the main street and road network. The planned parking lots will accommodate about 100 parking spaces, subject to their flat implementation. In case of shortage of parking spaces, the flat parking lots may be replaced with mechanized and/or underground parking lots. In the square should be primarily implemented a mechanism for charging for parking with the organization of a 15-minute boarding/unloading front, which will not limit short-term access and it will be possible to regulate the demand for long-term parking. The project also proposes the reconstruction of the bus terminal and the public space of the square itself.

The result of the PCDTI is a table summarizing the measures by mode of transport, timing of implementation, and cost.