Calculation of future passenger flows for the economic justification of the construction of a new stopping point on the railway section station «Aleksandrovskaya» — stopping point «Kondakopshino»

Calculation of future passenger flows for the economic justification of the construction of a new stopping point on the railway section station «Aleksandrovskaya» — stopping point «Kondakopshino»
The project recommends the construction of a new stopping point for 24 km of the railway line St. Petersburg — Gatchina — Varshavskaya — Luga — Pskov, the Aleksandrovskaya — Veryovo distillery, the section between the Alexandrovskaya station and the Kondakopshino stopping point. The distance from the planned stop to the station Aleksandrovskaya is about 2.5 km, to the stopping point Kondakopshino is 2.2 km away.

The proposed location of the stopping point is to the north of the intersection of Krasnoselskoye Highway and the railway line, in the immediate vicinity of Krasnoselskoye Highway, in the existing excavation.
Развитие сети магистральных маршрутов регулярных перевозок автомобильным и наземным городским электрическим транспортом Санкт-Петербурга до 2028 г.
The introduction of the stopping point will provide a significant improvement in the transport services for the developed territories of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg and the Lomonosovsky district of the Leningrad region.

It should be noted that, in accordance with the documents of territorial planning and socio-economic development discussed in the draft, more than 500 hectares of land in the service area of the planned stopping point retain for 2025 a modern agricultural purpose. Possible development of these territories in the future will entail an increase in the demographic burden on the territory, and, as a consequence, an increase in the load on the transport system, the growth of passenger traffic, including the suburban railway.