Mathematical modeling of transport flows in Solnechny living district in Ekaterinburg with revealing of problem points and development of compensatory actions

Mathematical modeling of transport flows in Solnechny living district in Ekaterinburg with revealing of problem points and development of compensatory actions
As part of the work on the project was used geoinformational mathematical transport model of the city.

Geoinformation transport model — the model of territorial transport system, based on the spatial representation of transport infrastructure objects, intended for collection, storage, analysis and graphic visualization of information in the development plans of territorial transport system.

Transport flows have been calculated by means of mathematical model, including all city of Ekaterinburg with the most detailed elaboration of projected territory. The territory of the city is divided into 240 transport and planning districts, 61 of which are transport quarterly districts forming the living district Solnechny. Economic characteristics by transport areas are calculated for the following planning horizons — 2030 (first phase) and 2035 (estimated period).
Развитие сети магистральных маршрутов регулярных перевозок автомобильным и наземным городским электрическим транспортом Санкт-Петербурга до 2028 г.
Развитие сети магистральных маршрутов регулярных перевозок автомобильным и наземным городским электрическим транспортом Санкт-Петербурга до 2028 г.
For each transport district departures and arrivals are calculated, which are distributed at the junctions from each transport and planning area to the nodes of the count of the street and road network.

In the city of Yekaterinburg, most of the jobs and educational institutions (universities, colleges) are concentrated in the central planning core. Thus, the main directions of traffic flows are the corridors connecting the Solnechny living district with the city center — Luchistaya Street and EKAD, which are used for transit traffic, as well as with neighboring districts (Neskuchnaya Street, connecting the Solnechny living district with Akademichesky living district).
Within the framework of mathematical modeling of transport flows within the boundaries of Solnechny living district in the city of Yekaterinburg, the morning and evening peak hours were calculated for the first stage (2030) and the estimated period (2035) under two scenarios of the ratio of passenger flows between individual passenger transport (IT) and public passenger transport (PT):

Scenario 1: IT — 70%; GT — 30%;
Scenario 2: IT — 40%; GT — 60%.

The calculations were made based on the initial data and taking into account the proposals of LabGrad.